Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Weekend

We had a pretty relaxed Father's Day weekend. Our church is currently getting ready to move to a different location, but first they have to fix up the "new to us" building. Gabe and I both wanted to help so we decided to do it in shifts on Saturday.

Gabe and the kids dropped me off Saturday morning and then Gabe took the kids to their gymnastics class. I spent the next four hours doing nothing but painting. I helped paint a classroom, the nursery, and almost the entire outside wall of the church. Whew! I was feeling it the next day. Ouch! After lunch, Gabe came and I went home to let the kids have their naps. While we were home, the skies darkened and it actually rained!!! This is great news for us here in the water starved state of Arizona. We're entering monsoon season where it rains almost every day, but they usually don't start this early in the month of June. So everyone was pleasantly surprised! It also left a beautiful rainbow.

Sunday started out with the kids and I letting Gabe sleep in, and then waking him up with breakfast in bed. We went to church, then came home and started planting grass in the front yard. (Ugh, grass does not just grow here like it does elsewhere. We have to work for it.)

The kids had gotten some free meal gift certificates for Texas Road House from their swim instructor, so we went there for dinner. I stuffed myself so much my stomach hurt. I love their rolls! So good! And we topped off the evening with going to bed at 9pm. Hah! We are such party animals, let me tell you...

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