Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekend Rewind

This past weekend was a busy one! Friday afternoon consisted of eye appointments for everyone. Two hours and four eye dilations later, we headed off to dress rehersal for our church's childrens play. We ended up grabbing take out Taco Bell for dinner because there wasn't enough time to make something before Gabe and I had to head out to his company Christmas party. Oh yes, mama got a date night without any kids! We dropped them off at the sitter's and I had a hard time pulling myself away from Noah as this was the very first time leaving him with anyone besides Gabe. We were arriving at the party late and leaving early so we were only gone for two hours which made me feel better about leaving him. And he did fine. The hubs and I had a good time eating, drinking, and enjoying the comedy show done by an old acquaintance from our military days.

After Gabe and I stayed up too late Friday night, Saturday morning was slow going. We took a couple of things off the schedule because of the cold temps and lack of motivation to get dressed and moving. I gave the kids the choice of whether they wanted to watch Santa arrive via helicopter at our local Ace Hardware Store and only Christian wanted to go. So he and I went and had good one on one time.

His "real" smile.

Saturday evening was our town's Christmas parade. Despite the cold weather, the kids still loved it. We came home for hot chocolate and the movie Elf.

Santa's float.

Sunday was the Christmas play at our church. The kids did a short version of The Littlest Christmas Tree. Christian had a speaking part and did a wonderful job. Mama was proud. :) We lunched at Buffalo Wild Wings which was scrumptious, as usual.
Paying more attention to me than the play.

How was your weekend? Seems to be the busy season for everyone.

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